To combine incongruous, an escape to unusual textures, an endless pastiche of the surrounding objects in clothing and a strong grasp of graphics. These are qualities that have become favorites since Kate Planche was studying at the Moscow Academy of Design. Hiking through the warehouses with technical fabrics ended in the creation of a coat made from materials fit for a car seat into a cloak of silk with a latex coating.
She grew up with magazines on contemporary art and industrial design MONITOR Unlimited, which was published from the beginning of the year of her professional education. Endless dedication to the journal has developed a huge interest in modern architecture. As a result, the Kate Planche London collection exudes minimalism, constructivism and architectonics.
Even after her studies, Planche filled explored different creative ways for self-discovery and expression to exhibit through periodic collections. Due to her curiosity and creative resources she always stood out with her own style, which was never tainted by global fashion trends.
The desire to create at the highest level was always waiting in the wings and the dream to move to London made that happen in 2014. Finally inspired by the surrounding metropolis and many years of accumulated experience and ideas sought out, Kate creates a line of clothing and official British brand Kate Planche London in 2015.
As a collector of different sources and as a fashion designer who loves to shuffle styles and undermine fashionable foundations Kate picked the brightest moments of the above areas and has created a total images in her first English and most WEARABLE line of clothes “ I wish…to have”.
"Ah! This world is so diverse and unpredictable, and yet it is the place to be!.... So let clothing line that absorbed trends of the Modern person will begin to unrestrained the delights of our bodies, starting with the year 2015!” Kate Planche©